
By Aditi June 17, 2022

What you need to know about becoming a YouTuber

The YouTuber’s life is tempting, sure, but are you ready to dive into it? It’s a question of commitment and dedication before it is about money. It is a lucrative field and can help you reach the top, provided you’re equipped with the right ammunition. While it is a glamorous profession, it can easily overwhelm and tire the unwitting. We’re here to make sure you’re not one of them.

Learn how to start your own YouTube channel

1. Identify your niche 

The first step to setting up a successful YouTube channel is to identify which industry you’re going to target through your visual content. Lack of a clear niche means content ideas and emotions flying all over the place. You do NOT want that. 

You may, however, choose more than one niche, based on your interests and expertise, provided they complement each other a little. To put it into perspective, a fitness channel could also focus on healthy eating; or a travel YouTuber could also dip their toes into lifestyle blogging. Whatever works for you. The point is: make your niche very clear for yourself as well as your viewers. This will also help them associate your channel with said niche/industry. 

If you want to consider broadening your niche and extending it to different industries, we suggest you wait till you have at least established your presence in one. 

2. List down your goals 

When it comes to succeeding as a YouTuber, foresight and an organized approach are key.

What are the short-term and long-term goals you are aspiring to achieve through your channel? Are you keen on creating educational videos, DIY / how-to tutorials, or simply creating entertaining content to engage the audience? It’s best to have your goals clear right from the get-go. This will help you strategize and plan your content more effectively and consistently. 

For instance, an unboxing video channel would have at its heart unboxing products and providing the audience with 100% genuine, unbiased reviews.

3. Original content 

Now that you have your niche and goals outlined, the next step is to brainstorm content ideas. Creativity and originality of thought are very important here. It is a good idea to list down a good number of ideas before you’ve even launched your channel. This way, you can buy some time and ensure you won’t run out of ideas after the initial few weeks. 

Take inspiration from YouTubers from your niche, sure, but also make sure your content, while it may be similar, can also offer something different to the audience. Comb through multiple videos, identify what’s missing in their content, and see if you can bridge the gap through yours. Or bring completely different ideas and topics to the table, if you can. 

4. Map out a content schedule 

Consistency is key. Mapping out an extensive content schedule and introducing timelines to your ideas helps you stay motivated and consistent. Not to mention, it will enable your audience to know when to expect a new upload on the channel. It makes them see you as a reliable content creator. They will wait eagerly for your videos. 

Freeze on a content plan that best suits your requirement and bandwidth. Yes, updating something new every day may get you more followers, but if you don’t have sufficient bandwidth, you’re going to overwhelm yourself in the process. 

Starting with one or two videos every week is a good standard and fairly manageable. You could start there and, based on your observations, increase or decrease the frequency of uploads. 

5. Work out the equipment 

The quality of your videos hinges on the equipment used to create and edit them. You may not want to invest in some high-end instruments right away, but it does help to have the basics in place. 

We’re talking about a starting-range camera (or a really good smartphone camera), a decent laptop/computer, and one or more good editing software. Not a lot, is it? 

You could start off with Windows Movie Maker or iMovie. 

Don’t forget your audio equipment. A decent microphone helps enhance the quality of your audio. 

6. Create your channel 

With everything else in place, only one thing remains – to officially create your channel and start publishing content. Choose a name that’s unique, catchy, and easy to remember. Explain the goals of your channel in the ‘About’ section, and describe what it’s about. It is always recommended to use frequent line breaks and smaller paragraphs, otherwise, the text may end up looking monotonous. 

Crisp and clear communication will help you. 

7. Upload content

Start uploading, and follow your content schedule. Be consistent. Uploading content consistently at a fixed day and time will help you analyze what kind of content works for you and what doesn’t. Observe closely the comments section, too. Their feedback can help make or break your channel. You take cues on how to improve your content through their feedback. 


YouTube Analytics is a great tool to help you observe and analyze how your videos are being received. 

Ta-da! That’s about it. Not that challenging now, right? 
All you need is a systematic approach and some creativity, and you create wonders, too. 
Got questions? Drop them in the comments.

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