
Home Screen Tab

One can view the enrolled Youtuber’s data, they can scroll and view their banner images, and categories wise YouTubers. The home screen contains 

3.1 Menu button

3.2 Search button

3.3 Filter button 

3.4 Wallet button

3.5 Notification button. 


The home screen contains data such as;

Banner Images:- Fans can slide through the banner images on the website. Some of these images are clickable and lead to YouTubers’ profiles, while others are static and provide informational content. Clicking on the clickable banner images will redirect users to the respective YouTuber’s profile page.



Fans can view videos created by YouTubers on fancall’s backend. Users can slide through and watch them.


Rising Stars:-

In the Rising Stars section, users can view a list of YouTubers along with their names and the number of subscribers they have. Three dots next to each YouTuber’s name allow the user to block them if they want. By clicking on any YouTuber’s name, the user is redirected to that particular YouTuber’s profile page. Users can slide through the list and view several YouTubers who have been added to the Rising Stars section. 



Different categories are added from the backend and displayed to the user. When signing up for Fancall, YouTubers select the categories they belong to. When a user clicks on a particular category, such as “Business and Industrial”, they can find the YouTubers who belong to that category. The user will also be able to view the YouTuber’s name, rating, and fee. If the user clicks on the three dots, they have the option to block the YouTuber. A green dot at the top of the profile indicates that the YouTuber is currently active and available for booking. If the green dot is not present, it means that the YouTuber is either inactive, unavailable for booking, or has turned off their schedule. Clicking on a YouTuber’s profile will redirect the user to their profile page.


Well-Known Stars:-

Users can view the name of a YouTube channel along with its subscriber count. If they click on the three dots next to the channel name, they will have the option to block the YouTuber. When a user clicks on a channel, they will be redirected to the YouTuber’s profile.