
Scenario 3 If the YouTuber does not want to add the sub YouTuber

If the YouTuber wants to add the sub youtuber then the YouTuber can click on the skip button 


Step 3:- 

Once the YouTuber clicks on the next button, they will redirected to the set the charge page. Here, the YouTuber can add the amount per slot and view the amount they will receive after the platform fee is deducted. The price can be changed at any time as per the YouTuber’s preference. After adding the price, the YouTuber can click on the next button. 


Step 4:- 

The YouTuber is redirected to a page where they can select the maximum number of slots according to their availability. The logic is that they can book a maximum of 15 slots per hour, and they can select the maximum number of slots based on their availability. They can change this at any time. After selecting slots, they can click on the “Next” option.


Step 5:- 

After completing the 4 steps, the YouTuber will be redirected to the manage categories page where they can select subcategories. After selecting, they can click on next and will be redirected to the dashboard.